Editing Services for Your Dissertation: The Full Lowdown

Are you looking to make your dissertation stand out? Perhaps you’re a PhD candidate or nearing the completion of your master’s degree. You understand that editing services are the most effective way to ensure your research gets the credit it deserves–But how can you ensure that you choose the right service and make the most of the available dissertation editing assistance?

In this post, we will cover everything you need about dissertation editing services and guide you on selecting the best professional editor for your needs.

Understanding Editing Services for Dissertations

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that editing a thesis or dissertation differs from editing other writing forms. A dissertation is not a piece of artistic or technical writing; it is academic writing with distinct characteristics:

  1. Based on research: Your thesis represents years of comprehensive research in your field. It should include references, citations, and appendices for the reader to understand your study and its associated findings. An academic text needs to contain some fundamental components. Qualified dissertation editors will fully understand these needs.
  2. Formal tone: Your thesis aims to present information and shed light on a specific topic. While it should be presented in an interesting manner, its purpose is not to entertain or engage the reader. Therefore, a formal style should be employed.
  3. Knowledgeable audience: Your thesis is typically read by a limited group of individuals, such as your dissertation committee and supervisor. Even if you publish your thesis, the number of readers may be small. Therefore, writing for specialists in the field and using technical language is acceptable.

These distinctions are important because different types of writing require different types of editing. Your thesis should not be edited in the same way a corporate document would be. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right editing service provided by qualified native-English experts who understand technical and academic writing.

This is not to say that you should not hire a versatile editor. However, you should ensure that your editor is proficient in thesis proofreading and has prior experience in this area. In fact, versatile editors often make excellent thesis editors due to their deeper understanding of writing.

Types of Editing: Substantive Editing and Proofreading

There are two main types of editing that can enhance your dissertation, and it is important to understand them when considering dissertation editing services:

  1. Substantive editing: This process involves meticulously reviewing your writing line by line to ensure that every sentence is well-written and fits within the context of the text.
  2. Proofreading: Proofreading involves carefully reviewing your writing to ensure accuracy and coherence.

Which type of editing do you need for your dissertation? The answer depends on your writing skills and the level of excellence you want to achieve with your dissertation.

Copy editing includes:

  • Punctuation and grammar
  • Sentence structure
  • Word choice
  • Consistency
  • Style
  • Spelling
  • Tone

Proofreading includes:

  • Punctuation and grammar
  • Consistency
  • Spelling

Ideally, both copy editing and proofreading should be part of the writing process. While you can edit your dissertation independently, having at least a second pair of eyes proofread it is advisable.

However, unless you are proficient in writing and a native English speaker, seeking external substantive editing services for your dissertation is recommended.

The Cost of Dissertation Editing Services

The cost of hiring a professional editor to proofread your dissertation will vary depending on the word count of your paper and the turnaround time required. For example, editing a 15,000-word dissertation within a two-week timeframe can range from $450 to $1,200 USD.

Different charging methods for dissertation editing services include:

  1. Per page: Some editing services charge based on the number of pages in your dissertation. However, this may not be the most accurate option, as the length of a page can vary depending on the style and font size used.
  2. Per word: Charging per word is generally considered the best pricing strategy. It allows you to pay for the actual editing done, and it takes into account the specific length of your dissertation. Be cautious of companies that charge too little, as they may provide subpar service to justify the low cost.
  3. Per hour: Some editing services charge by the hour, but this method comes with the risk of the editing process taking longer than necessary. Choosing a provider that bills per page or word is advisable to ensure transparency and avoid potential delays.

When considering the cost of editing services, it’s important to find a balance between quality and affordability. While it may be tempting to opt for a low-cost company, they may make fewer adjustments and not provide adequate assistance for specific concerns. Entrusting your dissertation to professionals ensures a significant improvement in the final version. Take a look at our guide to finding the best dissertation proofreader for more insights.

Choosing an Editing Service: What to Look For

Numerous online companies that offer dissertation editing and proofreading services. As such, sorting the wheat from the chaff. can be challenging.

If you want to work with the top dissertation editing service, look for a provider that offers the following:

  1. Specializes in your field and has experience editing dissertations.
  2. Assists with the formatting of your thesis.
  3. Employs native-English editors who are university graduates.
  4. Provides a free sample edit for your consideration.
  5. Offers a satisfaction guarantee with a refund policy.
  6. Offers a free revision service.
  7. Has extensive experience editing theses and dissertations, particularly doctoral theses.
  8. Has a track record of delivering high-quality work to numerous clients.
  9. Responds promptly to emails (within 24 hours) and is receptive to feedback.

Dissertation Editing Services vs. Editing for Other Types of Writing

Editing a thesis is different from editing other types of documents, such as books or corporate documents. Editing a dissertation requires familiarity with the formal style used in academic writing. Most other writing styles are neutral or informal.

In academic writing, style and flow are important, but clarity of subject and language takes precedence. A dissertation editor should focus on the clarity and accuracy of the language to make your research shine. Clarity is crucial in the academic world.

Top dissertation editing services go beyond simply editing and offer assistance in strengthening your academic writing. Companies like Vappingo can provide you with an edited dissertation within 24 hours and offer guidance on improving your academic writing and ensuring you meet style requirements; for instance, APA formatting.

It is worth noting that editors are experts in language, former scholars, and possess extensive knowledge of the writing process. As they edit your work, they can identify areas of weakness and provide advice on how to strengthen those areas. They will also point out any inconsistencies in your argument.

Advantages of Dissertation Editing Services

Dissertation editing services offer several advantages over editing services for other types of writing. Generally, you can expect more affordable pricing and quicker turnaround times compared to other writing projects. For example, editing a 5,000-word document within two weeks would likely cost less than $1,000 USD.

In contrast, editing a book with 100,000 words could cost up to $5,000 USD and take several months to complete. This is because editing a dissertation usually takes less time than editing other types of writing, such as novels or articles, as dissertations are typically well-organized and have a defined structure. Consequently, dissertation editors identify and rectify mistakes relatively rapidly.

Additionally, dissertation editing services often provide a more personalized experience. These services are familiar with the specific requirements and expectations of academic writing, allowing the editor to identify and fix flaws more efficiently. For instance, an editor experienced in the MLA style will be adept at spotting and correcting errors in a dissertation following that style guide.

Using Vappingo’s Editing Services for Your Dissertation

At Vappingo, we understand the positive impact that a dissertation editing service can have on your academic outcomes. That’s why we offer reasonably priced editing services without compromising on quality. We take pride in reading and proofreading academic papers, books, and other publications for a living.

Through Vappingo, you can quickly and easily connect with a dedicated copy editor or online proofreader who will treat your subject and paper with the utmost respect. You have done the research, written the first draft, and now let us take the burden of editing off your shoulders.

In addition to polishing your words, your editor will assist you with formatting your paper according to your university’s guidelines, ensuring that the presentation doesn’t hinder you from achieving the best possible grade. If desired, your editor can also provide feedback on your paper and point any issues with your overall argument.

Why Customers Choose Vappingo

Vappingo has extensive experience collaborating with academic staff and students from universities worldwide. Our clients come from various countries, including Australia, the United States, the Philippines, and Saudi Arabia. They appreciate the clarity they gain when they see their edited work.

With thousands of hours of collective editing experience and hundreds of satisfied clients, including PhD candidates and faculty members, we are equipped to handle your editing needs. Vappingo is the ideal choice for PhD students seeking an exceptional editor.

Our editing services include: the following

  • Detailed line-by-line examination of your work
  • Formatting according to your university’s guidelines
  • Prompt responses from your editor within 24 hours
  • PhD-level recommendations for your thesis
  • Free revisions
  • Qualified native-English experts
  • Editing of grammar and punctuation
  • Sentence structure editing
  • Word choice editing
  • Consistency checking
  • Style editing
  • Spelling correction
  • Tone adjustment
  • Free comments and feedback
  • A team of knowledgeable editors
  • Direct communication with your editor
  • Secure copies of your edited and finalized thesis

A checklist to help you find the best dissertation proofreader

We also guarantee your satisfaction. If you are dissatisfied with our editing services for your thesis, we will make it right or provide a refund.

The Editing Process at Vappingo

  1. You upload your document and provide details of your requirements.
  2. We assign an editor from our experienced team.
  3. Your editor reviews and makes modifications to your document.
  4. The updated document is returned to you with tracked changes.
  5. You have the opportunity to review and make further changes before approving the modifications.

We follow a thorough process to ensure your satisfaction with the editing work we provide.

If you have any questions regarding our editing services for dissertations, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to answer any inquiries you may have.