3 Statement of Purpose Samples (and How They Can be Improved)

Reviewing statement of purpose samples can be a great way to find inspiration and ideas for your own SOP. In this guide, we take a look at five statements of purposes for five subjects and present some top tips on how they can be improved by statement of purpose editing services.

Free SOP samples

If you’re unfamiliar with what a statement of purpose is, take a look at our guide to statement of purpose formatting before you go any further. You may also find our overview of how to write a statement of purpose useful.

Statement of Purpose Samples

Sample One: A Statement of Purpose for a Master of Economics

At the height of technology development in the late 1990s—the time of my birth—the computer was regarded as the most amazing invention. In the present, virtually all technologies depend on computers, underscoring the fact that we live in a computer-dependent generation. This dependency is poised to fundamentally alter our way of life.

Ever since my childhood, when my father gifted me a PC, I have enjoyed tinkering with computers and exploring various programs. My fascination with computers and curiosity in the swiftly expanding field of technology inspired me to pursue a career in engineering. Ultimately, I chose to major in Computer Science and Engineering due to my keen interest and aspiration to advance in this demanding field. This choice paved the way for my enrollment in a master’s program.

I am [your name], a long-term resident of [location] and a fervent tech enthusiast with ambitions of becoming a computer engineer. In [year], I enrolled at [school] to pursue a diploma in Computer Science Engineering, where I earned a score of 92%. Being away from home for the first time and adjusting to a new environment and culture significantly impacted my academic journey. During this period, I acquired a deeper understanding of computer applications and architecture.

I later enrolled at [college name], affiliated with one of the most renowned universities in *, to commence my undergraduate studies in [year], eventually receiving a 78% score. My passion for the subject intensified, and I recognized that, despite being in the computer age, there is substantial progress still occurring in this domain. As I near graduation, my primary objective is to pursue higher education in a more international, elite, and competitive setting.

After careful consideration of my postgraduate options, I concluded that the United Kingdom, a significant contributor to the computing field and a hub of ongoing groundbreaking discoveries, is the ideal destination for further studies. The UK houses many of the most inventive and prosperous companies in the computing industry, driving innovation in the sector. Studying in the UK will not only broaden my professional skills but also provide me with a global perspective. Consequently, I am applying for the MSc in Computer Science program starting in [month, year].

With a robust academic and professional background—which will be detailed further below—I am confident in my preparedness for the rigors of a master’s program. Since [month, year], I have been employed as a Web Developer at [business name], where I specialize in front-end (using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap) and back-end (using JavaScript and Node.js) development, as well as database management (using MongoDB and MySQL) with ReactJS.

I also completed a six-month internship at [business name], working as a Full Stack Developer and gaining valuable industry and practical experience. For my senior year project, I designed and developed a system entirely from scratch, utilizing Python, JavaScript, C++, and the Tweepy Twitter API for data collection. This system assesses public opinions towards specific candidates, categorizing them as neutral, favorable, or negative, and then evaluates the results.

Throughout my undergraduate years, I participated in various workshops hosted by organizations such as ***, ***, and ***. My college offered workshops on the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, web and Android application development, all of which enhanced my practical skills, crucial for real-world applications. My presentations and demonstrations received positive feedback from department heads and professors, reflecting my strong motivation and proactive approach to acquiring new skills and experiences. This drive motivates me to pursue an MSc in Computer Science in the UK.

I aim to enroll in the MSc in Computer Science program as a stepping stone towards founding my IT company in [country name]. This program aligns with my professional goals by offering a balance of advanced practical skills and academic knowledge across various IT fields and careers. The curriculum covers AI, Big Data, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, and IoT, allowing me to expand my expertise in diverse computer science fields.

After researching various UK institutions, I found that *** University’s MSc in Computer Science program is the perfect fit for me. It is reasonably priced compared to programs at other universities like *** University, University of ***, and ***. The one-year placement program offered by *** University further attracted my attention. With 30% of their research ranked as internationally excellent or world-leading, and a dedicated staff that supports international students, I believe *** University will provide a conducive learning environment to advance my technical skills. Given these factors, I have decided to join the MSc program in Computer Science at *** University in [month, year].

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How the SOP Can be Improved

The sample statement of purpose is quite comprehensive, but it can be improved by making it more engaging and effective. Below are some suggestions to enhance this particular SOP. You may also benefit from checking out our statement of purpose tips.

Structure & Coherence:

  1. Introduction Improvements:
    • Briefly mention your motivations and goals in the admissions essay start to provide a roadmap for readers.
    • Avoid starting with a historical context; instead, begin with something personal and engaging.
  2. Clear Transitions:
    • Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas for better flow and readability.
  3. Conclusion Enhancement:
    • Summarize key points and re-emphasize your passion and readiness for the program.
    • Clearly state how the program will help you achieve your long-term goals.


  1. Personal Anecdotes:
    • Incorporate personal stories or anecdotes that demonstrate your passion and commitment to the field.
    • Show, don’t tell. Instead of stating you have a passion, demonstrate it through examples and experiences.
  2. Highlight Achievements:
    • Briefly highlight significant accomplishments or projects.
    • Mention any challenges you overcame, lessons learned, and skills gained.
  3. Program-Specific Content:
    • Mention specific courses, professors, or resources at the university that attracted you to the program.
    • Explain how these specific elements will contribute to your academic and career success.
  4. Future Goals Clarification:
    • Clearly articulate your career goals and how the program will help you achieve them.
    • Mention how you plan to contribute to the field and community after graduation.

Style & Tone:

  1. Conciseness:
    • Be concise and to the point. Remove redundant or unnecessary words and sentences.
    • Each sentence should add value and move your narrative forward.
  2. Active Voice:
    • Use active voice to make your writing clearer and more dynamic.
  3. Professional Tone:
    • Maintain a professional and positive tone throughout the SOP.

Revision & Proofreading:

  • Carefully proofread for grammatical errors, typos, and awkward phrasing.
  • Consider getting feedback from mentors, peers, or writing centers.

How a SOP Editor May Revise the SOP Introduction:

The hum of my first computer, a surprise gift from my dad, still echoes in my mind – a constant reminder of the exact moment my fascination with technology was born. Each day spent with that old PC felt like a new adventure, with unseen corners of the digital realm waiting to be discovered. Today, that sense of wonder continues to drive me, steering me towards deeper knowledge, innovative exploration, and a commitment to contribute to the ever-changing world of computer science.

Remember, the SOP is a reflection of your personality, achievements, and aspirations. Ensure it is a true and engaging representation of who you are and what you aim to achieve. If you’re looking for a statement of purpose editor, you may find this guide to finding the best SOP editor useful.

statement purpose editing

Sample Two: A Statement of Purpose for English Language and Linguistics

My enthusiasm and genuine curiosity about language would only deepen with further study of the English language. This exploration would also prompt me to reflect on the crucial role language plays in society, a subject often overlooked by many who rarely ponder the intricacies and nuances of words. Engaging more deeply with language, I find myself appreciating the myriad subtleties that become apparent upon closer examination.

Studying child language acquisition is particularly fascinating to me because it significantly differs from other areas I have explored. I have had the privilege of observing children of various ages, assessing their reading skills and language usage through guided reading sessions and assistance with their studies. By engaging with students in both primary and secondary settings, I was able to compare and contrast the reading styles of children in key stages one and three. Alarmingly, I discovered that a substantial number of key stage three students had reading ages much lower than their chronological ages. This raises a crucial question: Are some parents relying solely on the national curriculum for their children’s reading development instead of fostering reading habits at an earlier age?

“The Infinite Gift” by Charles Yang, which offers a scientific perspective on language learning and presents ideas in a formulaic manner, resonates with me as a rational individual. Yang posits that language is a distinctive human trait setting us apart from other species, a viewpoint aligning with Charles Darwin’s observation: “No child has an instinctive tendency to bake, brew, or write, but man has an instinctive tendency to speak, as we see in the babble of our young children.” This assertion supports Noam Chomsky’s groundbreaking linguistic theory of innateness, suggesting that language is inherently part of our nature.

Outside the classroom, I practice contemporary dance and recently participated in the Commonwealth Dance Festival in Glasgow. This event provided me the unique opportunity to collaborate with performers from around the world. Interestingly, the majority spoke English, often referred to as the “language of opportunity.” This observation left me feeling both privileged and remorseful, as literacy is something often taken for granted in Britain. While the English language undeniably fosters global unity, the rapid increase in English speakers worldwide is contributing to the loss of community languages. This situation prompts a vital question: Do the benefits provided by the widespread adoption of English outweigh the loss of other languages?

I’m a dedicated individual with deep interests in dance and music. My commitment to mentoring youth, participating in orchestras and ensembles, and performing whenever possible has been unwavering. After ten years of studying the flute, I achieved my grade seven, a testament to my technical skill, creativity, and persistence. My dedication has been recognized through various awards from my school and the parish council, acknowledging my contributions in dance, music, and community service.

Serving as the head of the prom and sixth form ball committees, I take pride in my organizational skills and sense of responsibility. These roles have allowed me to delegate tasks and collaborate on numerous fundraising projects. I’ve held various positions at school, including house captain, music events manager, and dance ambassador. These roles required close interaction with teachers and representing the school. Participation in the National Citizen Service program allowed me to collaborate with diverse individuals on community improvement projects, and involvement in Price Waterhouse Coopers’ high achievers’ mentorship program provided invaluable experience presenting to a panel of professionals in a business setting.

In essence, delving into our communicative capabilities and the mechanisms driving them is a venture worth undertaking, as language is perennially evolving and perpetually relevant. Each day offers fresh insights and intriguing discoveries about this vital aspect of human existence.

How an Editor May Improve the Statement of Purpose

Your statement of purpose (SOP) is well-written and avoids some of the most common SOP errors, but it can be improved by refining its focus, coherence, and organization. Below are specific points of feedback and suggestions for improvement:

Focus and Clarity:

  1. Clear Thesis Statement: The introduction should have a clear thesis statement that outlines your purpose for studying language and how it connects to your experiences and future goals. This statement should be specific and concise, guiding the reader through the SOP.
  2. Specific Interest: While you mention various aspects of language, it would be helpful to pinpoint specific areas you are most interested in (e.g., child language acquisition, the impact of language on society) and elaborate on why these areas intrigue you.
  3. Relation to Career Goals: Clearly articulate how studying language will help you achieve your career goals. If you aim to work in education, research, or another field, mention this explicitly and explain why.

Coherence and Organization:

  1. Logical Flow: Ensure that paragraphs transition smoothly. Each paragraph should build on the previous one, gradually constructing a complete picture of your academic journey and future aspirations.
  2. Consistency in Ideas: Some sections seem disjointed. For instance, the paragraph about dance and the Commonwealth Dance Festival seems slightly out of place. While it’s important to showcase your extracurricular activities, ensure they are relevant to your main focus or help illustrate a point related to your study interests.
  3. Concluding Paragraph: Craft a strong conclusion that ties all your experiences, interests, and goals together. Summarize why you are a strong candidate for the program and how it will benefit your long-term objectives.

Specificity and Detail:

  1. Detail on Past Experience: When discussing your experiences with child language acquisition, provide specific examples or anecdotes that highlight your observations and learnings. This will make your experience more tangible to the reader.
  2. Program Fit: Mention specific aspects of the program you are applying to and why they align with your interests and goals. Reference particular courses, professors, or resources that attracted you to the program.
  3. Contributions to the Field: Briefly discuss how you plan to contribute to the field of language studies. Whether it’s through research, teaching, or another avenue, indicating your future contributions shows commitment and vision.

Example Revision for One Section:

Original: “Studying child language acquisition is particularly fascinating to me because it significantly differs from other areas I have explored.”

Suggested Revision: “The process of language acquisition in children captivates me due to its distinct and complex nature, markedly different from the other areas of language studies I have explored. My engagements with students across various age groups allowed me to observe the intriguing variances in their reading and linguistic skills, offering me invaluable insights into the developmental stages of language comprehension.”

General Tips:

  • Avoid using quotes unless they significantly contribute to your point. Your voice and experiences should be the focus; not the experiences and theories of others.
  • Proofread for grammar, punctuation, and style to ensure the SOP is polished and professional.
  • Consider seeking feedback from mentors, advisors, or experienced peers.

With these improvements, your SOP will be a stronger, clearer, and more compelling document that effectively communicates your passion, qualifications, and goals in language studies.

SOP editing

Sample Three: A SOP for Clinical Psychology

When I began college, my goal was to become a doctor. My plan was to major in biology, eventually pick up another subject, and then attend medical school to practice in rural areas. However, it wasn’t long before I realized that I was afflicted with “Med. Student Syndrome.” Though I knew I was not ill, this realization led me to conclude that my desire to practice medicine was not as strong as I had thought. Rather, I was more enamored with the idea of the profession than the actual practice of medicine itself. Fortunately, by this time, I had already begun studying psychology and was well-acquainted with the makings of a delusion.

As my studies in psychology continued, I grew increasingly interested in the analysis, inquiry, and understanding of issues I observed in the world. Classes focused on development, psychopathology, personality, and behavior analysis prompted me to reflect and learn more about my surroundings. In particular, Dr. XXXX’s lectures on behavior analysis honed my critical and analytical skills through consistent practice and discussion of various behavioral principles.

During my work on a study concerning autism and social behaviors, and through collaboration with Dr. XXX on my honors thesis (which I later presented as a poster), I received valuable research training. This experience sharpened my observational skills and taught me how to transform abstract descriptions into measurable variables. My honors research started with a simple question: Is there a correlation between young adults’ substance use behaviors and their friendships and sensation-seeking tendencies? However, after gathering and analyzing data, I faced the disappointment of results that contradicted my initial hypotheses. Further data collection and analysis for a poster presentation at the Society for Prevention Research’s annual meeting led to a realization: there were gender differences in predictors of alcohol use, which could explain why my initial theories weren’t supported. This process affirmed what one of my favorite biology instructors used to say: scientific discoveries often result from proving theories wrong.

Currently, I volunteer at a parenting resource center in Fairbanks, Alaska with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, assisting families working to maintain their family unit while their children are in state custody. This challenging role involves daily interaction with children who have experienced tough lives, many of whom exhibit various risk factors. Working here has significantly influenced my understanding of how abuse, divorce, and family turmoil affect children’s social interactions, self-perception, and future expectations.

My undergraduate studies, especially my honors thesis, introduced me to issues related to adolescent substance use. This sparked my interest in the effects of an adolescent’s environment—be it peer, family, or the broader environment—on their life. I am committed to finding solutions that promise brighter futures for children like those I work with, focusing on mental health with an emphasis on substance abuse, risk and resilience, aggression, and pathology. Additionally, I am interested in exploring the influence of social and familial environments on these issues, aiming to mitigate the challenges faced by high-risk children during their developmental years.

In my ideal career, I envision a blend of teaching and research, with a strong connection between clinical practice and research. I also believe it’s crucial to ensure research is shared appropriately and that underserved communities receive ample support in terms of research and clinical practice. For instance, the lack of universities in much of Alaska may contribute to the state’s social service programs falling behind in clinical advancements. A position as a university professor would enable me to develop interventions and prevention programs in my chosen field while mentoring and instructing college students, which I find immensely rewarding.

I chose to apply to XXX University for various reasons, primarily drawn by its emphasis on research and technique. The Child Clinical area of emphasis aligns perfectly with my program requirements due to its strong preventive focus. While researching XXX University, I found the work of Drs. XXX and XXX particularly compelling. Much of Dr. XXX’s research on children of alcoholics was introduced to me through my collaboration with XXX at XXX University. I am eager to further explore risk factors for substance abuse, particularly how these risk behaviors are influenced by social and familial contexts. I am also keen on continuing Dr. XXX’s study on risk and resilience, as well as her prevention work with high-risk adolescents, as I have both research and clinical experience with similar populations.

I firmly believe that I embody all the qualities XXX University seeks in a student, and the Clinical Psychology program at XXX University offers everything I desire in a program. I would be thrilled to join the 2000 XXX University class. Ready for the challenges of graduate school, I am confident that XXX University will help me achieve my career goals and satisfy my drive for success.

How an Editor May Improve This Statement of Purpose

  1. Introduction:
    • The introduction could be stronger by briefly outlining your journey from aspiring medical student to someone deeply invested in psychology. Consider adding a thesis statement summarizing your main goals and motivations for pursuing graduate studies in psychology.
    • You might want to rearrange the introduction to immediately engage the reader with your current passion and how you discovered it.
  2. Clarity and Consistency:
    • Be sure your narrative is clear and logically structured. You jump between different times and experiences, so consider organizing these chronologically or thematically for smoother transitions.
    • Make sure all abbreviations are explained when first used
  3. Academic Interests:
    • You need to specify why the areas of psychology you mentioned (development, psychopathology, personality, behavior analysis) are important to you. Also, elaborate on how these areas will be instrumental in your future career or research goals.
    • Clearly articulate your academic interests and how they align with your career goals.
  4. Research Experience:
    • Your discussion about your research experience is a strong point. Consider expanding on what you learned from the process, specifically any skills or understanding you gained that will be crucial in graduate school and beyond.
    • Explain how your research experience has prepared you for the rigors and challenges of graduate-level study and research in psychology.
  5. Career Goals:
    • While you mention wanting a career in teaching and research, be more specific about your long-term goals. What populations do you want to work with? What kind of impact do you hope to have?
    • If possible, mention any plan you have to integrate your psychology knowledge with community service or any intended contributions to the field.
  6. Program Fit:
    • Elaborate on why XXX University is the ideal place for you to pursue your studies. Mention specific faculty members whose work you admire, and explain how their expertise aligns with your research interests and career goals.
    • Instead of just stating that you were “drawn” to the program, describe specific aspects of the program that attracted you and how they will benefit your academic and career trajectory.
  7. Conclusion:
    • Your conclusion should succinctly restate your goals and motivations, summarizing why you are a strong candidate for the program and how the program will help you achieve your career objectives.

Sample Edit of the Statement of Purpose

My subsequent research experience, including collaboration with esteemed professionals in the field, and an intensive exploration of autism, social behaviors, and substance abuse among youth, provided a practical, hands-on complement to my theoretical knowledge. Every hypothesis formulated and every data analyzed painted a richer, deeper picture of the interplay between individual traits and external influences, contributing to my growing understanding and passion for psychology.

What Have we Learned About Editing a Statement of Purpose?

Reviewing the three statements of purpose presented in this article highlights vital lessons about crafting a compelling narrative that aligns your academic journey, interests, and career aspirations.

Each SOP emphasizes the importance of a clear, engaging introduction that seamlessly transitions into a well-organized body elucidating your academic interests, research experiences, and understanding of their chosen field.

It is crucial for your SOP to reflect a deep self-awareness, a trajectory of growth, and a robust understanding of the selected program and institution.

The concluding section should not merely be a summary of the information you have shared. Rather, it should present a powerful synthesis that reaffirms your readiness and fit for the program, providing a forward-looking perspective on your contribution to the field and long-term career goals.

Each SOP serves as a testament your unique journey, underscoring the need for your statement to be authentic, clear, and free of error.