Looking to rewrite content without sacrificing quality? We can help with that!
In most professional services marketing departments, there’s a real challenge. The people who are the best writers and know the most about the subject matter often have the least amount of time to actually write content. And it’s not just about whether writing comes easy to you or not – creating high-quality content takes a lot of time and effort. So, when executives and subject matter experts have to choose between responding to a hot lead or working on a new blog post, the writing often gets put on hold.

But here’s the thing – professional service providers need to keep putting out new content to keep their marketing initiatives going strong. They need a steady stream of blog posts, articles, and other materials that are optimized for keywords. So, what’s the solution?

Don’t worry if your team is struggling to produce fresh content week after week. There’s actually a proven method for getting great results with minimal effort: reusing and reworking previously written information. Instead of starting from scratch every time you sit down to write, build on your existing articles to create fresh and engaging content. That’s where article rewriting can come in.

Now, I’m not just talking about making a few changes to an old article and republishing it – that’s a whole other tactic. What you want to do is take the core ideas from your original post and give them a new twist when you revise the content. Here are a few quick methods for doing just that.

For more assistance with the process to follow when rewriting articles, see our guide to how to rewrite articles.

Tips to Rewrite Content

  1. Take a list and turn it into multiple articles

Have you noticed how many blog posts and articles have headlines that start with a number? It’s a popular formatting method because it works. Lists help readers organize and remember the information you’re presenting. So, if you or your team have already written articles with titles like “7 Ways to…” or “7 Reasons You Should Invest in…”, you’ve already got the foundation for seven new articles. Take each item on your list and write a separate article about it. This gives you a chance to expand on your ideas and show off your expertise in the subject matter. To make each article more substantial, consider including background information or case studies.

  1. Summarize multiple posts into one

Let’s say you’re an accountant who’s written several blog posts on how to prepare for tax season. Or maybe you’re a lawyer who’s been writing about a major legal issue as it develops. To create a brand-new article with a title like “Top Tips for Tax Season” or “What Every Business Needs to Know About the XYZ Law,” take the most important ideas from each post, condense them down to a paragraph, and publish it. This flips Tip 1 on its head a bit, since you’re going from multiple posts to one. However, rewriting articles for SEO in this way can generate great results.

  1. Create a whitepaper or guide

If you’ve got a lot of great content on a particular topic and it seems impossible to condense it all into one post, consider putting together a comprehensive guide or whitepaper. Review and update the existing content, write an introduction, and add transitional text to make everything flow naturally. If you want it to look really polished, hire a designer to create a cover and layout. You can distribute the guide to clients and potential customers, add it to your online library, or use it to grow your email list by putting it behind a registration form. If you’ve got a speaking engagement or sponsorship coming up, you can even hand out printed copies of your guide to remind people of your expertise.

4. Update an old post for a new audience

You probably know that different sectors can have their own unique set of problems. But at the end of the day, we all face some pretty similar difficulties. So why not take an article you’ve written for one group of customers and tweak it a bit to speak to the struggles of another group? For example, if you’ve got an article aimed at non-profit customers, could you update it to speak to the challenges faced by the small businesses you work with?

The best part is that by doing this, you can target a wider variety of publications with little extra work. And with some simple substitutions of stories, anecdotes, and data, you can have a new blog post ready to go in no time!

But what if your old article is outdated? Don’t worry, you can still make use of it. Even though the world is changing quickly, many problems that professional services organizations face, such as business growth and personnel retention, remain the same. This means that a blog entry you published three years ago can still be relevant today.

Take a look at your old pieces and see if you can update them with recent data and case studies to keep people interested in them today. By doing so, you can give new life to your old content and attract a whole new audience. For more help, consider reading our guide to how to rewrite articles without plagiarizing.

5. Add new information

  • Do your research: Research is key when it comes to updating old articles. Look for new data, case studies, and examples that support your main points. This will not only make your article more relevant but also give it more credibility.
  • Add new examples: One of the easiest ways to update an old article is to add new examples. Think about how your topic has evolved since you wrote your original article. Are there new trends or developments that you can highlight with real-world examples?
  • Use new statistics: Adding new statistics can be a great way to add value to an old article. Look for recent data that supports your main points and incorporate it into your article.
  • Refresh your writing: Finally, don’t forget to refresh your writing style. Read through your old article and look for ways to make it more engaging and interesting. Consider adding new anecdotes or stories that support your main points.

It’s essential to remember that for professional service organizations, high-quality content is king. And learning how to update old content without sacrificing quality will be beneficial for many years to come. So go ahead and dust off those old articles and give them a new lease of life!